The Salt Kingscliff project was a development application project for a collection of residences and landscaping strategies to create a highly desirable residential estate for the client. A landscape masterplanning approach to the site responds to the existing context of residences, resorts and parklands.
Streetscapes address both external and internal roads and separate vehicle and pedestrian traffic with dedicated pedestrian gatehouse entries to the public road edges at Barrell and Gunnamatta streets. All vehicle access and refuse collection is via an internal road.
Four house typologies with varying materials palettes were designed across 32 house lots to maintain some consistency in architectural design direction while also embracing individual identities throughout the varied architectural fabric.
Efficient floorplans with a compact footprint and lightweight second stories helps to maximize green space and access to sky in-between buildings and living areas are focused onto private outdoor courtyards. The forms and exterior materials palettes reference coastal beach house archetypes and embody passive environmental design principles. Lightweight buildings with timber cladding and detail screening elements reflect the coastal context while masonry base and entry elements and skillion forms develop a contemporary living experience for residents. Glazing elements have been carefully composed to minimize overlooking and privacy concerns.
Landscape design addresses residence entries and building separation areas to integrate the development into the existing contexts. These green spaces aim to increase the soft space of the immediate area and also create landscaped outdoor living courtyards in each residence that both reflect the coastal living location and also provide for high quality contemporary living.
Streetscapes address both external and internal roads and separate vehicle and pedestrian traffic with dedicated pedestrian gatehouse entries to the public road edges at Barrell and Gunnamatta streets. All vehicle access and refuse collection is via an internal road.
Four house typologies with varying materials palettes were designed across 32 house lots to maintain some consistency in architectural design direction while also embracing individual identities throughout the varied architectural fabric.
Efficient floorplans with a compact footprint and lightweight second stories helps to maximize green space and access to sky in-between buildings and living areas are focused onto private outdoor courtyards. The forms and exterior materials palettes reference coastal beach house archetypes and embody passive environmental design principles. Lightweight buildings with timber cladding and detail screening elements reflect the coastal context while masonry base and entry elements and skillion forms develop a contemporary living experience for residents. Glazing elements have been carefully composed to minimize overlooking and privacy concerns.
Landscape design addresses residence entries and building separation areas to integrate the development into the existing contexts. These green spaces aim to increase the soft space of the immediate area and also create landscaped outdoor living courtyards in each residence that both reflect the coastal living location and also provide for high quality contemporary living.